Welcome to Wiki-Flex. The leading crowd-sourced index on Flexibility and the Future of Work.

Wiki-Flex Index Ranking Methodology

The Wiki-Flex Index Ranking comprises of organizations meeting all the following criteria, including within each selected sub-set.

  • organizations that have been reviewed and rated on Wiki-Flex,
  • organizations holding the top 30 Publishable Organization Scores,
  • ranked in descending order of their Publishable Organization Scores per the methodology set out in more particular details hereinbelow;

See definitions at the end of the section for disambiguation.

Question Selection:

The question drafting, selection and scoring criteria have been designed and developed by Jackstien Practices and Consulting International LLP, a leading firm of risk management consultants for remote, hybrid and distributed teams.

Questions Responded To:

Questions responded to refers to where one of the following selections have been made (1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neither agree nor disagree (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree

Question Weightage:

All Questions Responded To bear equal weightage.

Question Score:

Question Score for each respondent is the underlying rating value assigned to the selection made in response to a question.

Response Selected

Score or Rating value

Strongly agree




Neither agree nor disagree




Strongly disagree



Respondent Score:

Respondent Score is the value representing each respondents score of the flexibility offered by the organization. It is calculated as the sum of the rating value for each question responded to divided by the (total number of questions) as reduced by the number of questions to which the responses provided has been ‘This does not apply to me’. For ample clarity, questions that are responded to as Inapplicable by selecting ‘This does not apply to me’ are excluded to prevent a reduction in a Respondents Score that may not be reflective of the true rating for his/her organization.

Organizational Score:

An organizations score is the sum of all Respondent Scores divided by the total number of Respondent Scores recorded against the Organization.

Normalised Organizational Score

The Organizational Score is normalized by discarding the top and bottom 2.5% of the scores to ensure that the ratings remain fair and truly reflective and are not unduly swayed by extreme experiences that may not be reflective of the larger experience of flexibility offered. The normalization exercise is re-executed on an ongoing basis upon each new Respondent Score recorded for an Organization.

Publishable Organizational Score

To guard against the risk that a small number of ratings present a picture that may not be truly representative of ground realities, no organization’s scores are considered eligible for publishing unless at least 10 respondent scores are available to be normalised.

Definition of Respondent as used in this document: The employee providing his or her rating in accordance with the applicable Terms and Conditions starting from the page https://wiki-flex.com/survey.php

Definition of Organization as used in this document: The employer organizations and all other viewers or users relying on the content and rankings visible on the page https://wiki-flex.com/organizationreport.php